In an era of days gone by, there were different types of social gathering places. Some examples of these were dance halls, arcades, pool halls, … [Read More...]
On July 5th 2018, my good friend Paul and I had the opportunity to visit Binghamton, New York. The true purpose of the visit was to attend "The Rod … [Read More...]
On April 16, 2015 the Barrington public library offered a free presentation to the public; "Cheese Making 101", that both my wife and I were fortunate … [Read More...]
"Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end, we’d sing and dance forever and a day..." are just a couple of the chorus lines from the … [Read More...]
If you enjoy a little diversion from reality, and want to transport yourself back in time, then King Richards Faire is for you. Tucked away in the … [Read More...]
I've attend numerous photography seminars where I was encouraged by many professional photographers who lectured amateurs (like myself) and other … [Read More...]
I was reflecting on the various types of art, artwork and fine art, I've been exposed to over the years. It has been stated numerous times, that "art … [Read More...]
It’s America’s largest Halloween party and we invited ourselves! This year, I had the opportunity to visit Salem, Massachusetts on a Saturday in … [Read More...]
This fall my wife and I, along with some friends had the opportunity to visit the "2013 Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular - Pumpkinville" event at Roger … [Read More...]
On May 17 my wife and I along with several friends, set sail on Norwegian Cruise Line's ship ‘Dawn’ from Boston to Bermuda. Living in Rhode Island, … [Read More...]
Early in December my wife and I, along with two of our close friends were fortunate enough to visit New York City. We had visited New York numerous … [Read More...]
In 1886, the shores of East Providence (i.e. Riverside), Rhode Island were fortunate to become the home of a very popular and luxurious waterfront … [Read More...]
Many of us can remember back in 1959, one of the more famous television series that came onto our black and white televisions sets. It began … [Read More...]
Last week, my wife and I visited Walt Disney World with some friends. We were fortunate to be able to stay on the Disney property, which gave us easy … [Read More...]
The crisp air, apple picking time, pumpkins sold everywhere...a true indication that fall has arrived in New England. This year seemed to be an … [Read More...]
Photography comes from Greek, 'photos', 'graphos - drawing', which almost directly translates to light painting, thus the name of this site.
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